Sunday 8 July 2012

Week in review, 1 - 8 July 2012

This week I have run approximately 13 miles (didn't chart milage for Monday's nasty attempt but it was around the 3 mile mark) and run four days. I've tried out some new kit (Mizuno top, nice, Zoot tights, nice, Inov-8 shoes, nice but will need some breaking in). I've tried some new routes, now incorporating Herne Hill, and played Zombies with both interval runs and as a long run to collect items to open up new missions. I've sorted out some decent tunes to run to. I've also finally worked out how to stretch correctly and this is, I hope, going to make a difference to my run recovery.

On the downside, I had a horrible Monday run due to nasty hangover; my right knee in particular has been a bit painful, although nothing run-stoppingly bad. I am a bit worried because after showering from my run (using cold water on my legs as recommended by... someone) I twisted my back which did the heartstopping sharp pain thing. I hope it'll go after a proper night's sleep.

So my hopes for next week are:

1. Run intervals on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings
2. Sort myself out a personal best for my 5k on Saturday :)
3. Go long on Sunday - hopefully take it to the five mile mark

I stepped on the scales at 193.75lbs this morning; it'd be an achievement to step on the scales to 192 next Sunday. I need to be better/more careful about food intake this week as well as drinking less booze. Socially, there's the FNM gig on Tuesday night which won't be a big drinking night, and although I'm out with Hani and the cousins on Friday night, the run the next day should keep me focused on minimising the intake. George and Eoin are over Saturday night and then there's the meal with all the guys on Sunday evening. Let's see!

Progress towards goals:

18.25lbs down, 34.75lbs to go.
Hips down from 42" to 39", would like to reduce by another inch to 38"
Waist down from 38' to 35", would like to reduce by another 5 inches to 30"
Bust down from 44" to 39", would like to reduce by another 4 inches to 35"

Am just over one third of the way there.

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